Finally, a new “Expressive C++” article. I’m pretty excited because I’ve covered enough of Proto’s basics to get to talk about the good stuff: how to manipulate expressions using grammars and transforms. This is potent stuff. In this article, I show how to use Proto to completely eliminate the abstraction overhead in a simple linear algebra library. Without giving up the accepted domain syntax. And without a pile of nasty template spaghetti code. Enjoy.
Hi Eric,
seems like cpp-next disappeared some time ago. Any chance of you re-posting the articles you had on “expressive C++” here?
I have every intention of doing just that when I get some free time.
What happened to CPPnext? The articles were very interesting. I am still waiting for the next article of “Algebraic Data Types in C++” by David Sankel. 🙂
That’s the million dollar question. I don’t know what happened. I talked with David Sankel last week at C++Now, and he hasn’t forgotten about his incomplete article series. I’m not sure where he’ll publish it, if he should ever finish it.
Eric, is there any chance you still have the text for this article lying around? I’d really love to read it.
You can find it — and all the old Expressive C++ series — on the Wayback Machine:
Hope that helps!
I just wandered back onto this page and realized you’d responded to me. Thanks for the link!